Download Server Management Pack

Enable Server Manager / Hyper-V Manager in “Turn windows features on & off”

When you try to connect you will most likely get an AUTH error if your host isn’t a part of your domain. This is because Hyper-V Manager Doesn’t prompt for credentials, so you have to manually authenticate (dumb).

You can establish alternate credentials to use to connect to the Hyper-V server by typing the following command at a command prompt on the remote computer:

cmdkey /add:<ServerName> /user:<UserName> /pass:<password>

Enable Remote Management on the server.

Enable Local Administrator account on the server (the one you set up during install is fine)

Add matching admin account, on the client

Allow MMC & WMI through the Windows Firewall, on both:

netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Microsoft Management  Console" dir=in action=allow program="%windir%\system32\mmc.exe"  enable=yes profile=private
netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)" new enable=yes

Allow Annoymous DCOM Access on the client


Console Root > Component Services > Computers > My Computer

Right click > Properties > “COM Security”

Edit Limits under Access Permissions

Check “ANONYMOUS LOGON” under Remote Access